Through Blablacar you can find a ride or offer a ride to save cost on fuel expense and more over you will get travel companion. Connecting car owners and co-travellers to share city-to-city journeys.
A trusted community, verified profiles with member ratings.
How it works
2. Get in touch
A trusted community, verified profiles with member ratings.
How it works
1. Find a ride
Just enter your departure and arrival points and your travel date, then choose a car owner offering a ride going your way. Take a look at the Ride Comment for information about the car owner, their reasons for travelling and other journey details.
Just enter your departure and arrival points and your travel date, then choose a car owner offering a ride going your way. Take a look at the Ride Comment for information about the car owner, their reasons for travelling and other journey details.
2. Get in touch
Click on the Contact Car Owner button and
then contact the car owner via private message or phone to book your
seat with them and arrange the details of the ride.
3. Travel together
Apps available for Android and IPhone
3. Travel together
Be at the planned meeting point on time!
Remember to bring exact change so you can give your car owner the agreed
contribution during your journey.
Apps available for Android and IPhone