Windows Live Writer is a popular offline blog editor from Microsoft that can help bloggers write posts quickly and easily without an Internet connection.
Windows Live Writer is Free and Easy to Use as it got interface similar to MS Office.
Windows Live Writer is completely free to download and use locally on your computer. It might take a few more minutes to download and configure Windows Live Writer than some other free offline blog editors, but once the initial work is done, it is extremely easy to use.
As with most offline blog editors, the Windows Live Writer interface is easy to understand with a WYSIWIG editor and icons that will be recognizable by bloggers. If you've used blogging software and other Microsoft software products, you should be able to pick up on the features of Windows Live Writer very quickly.
It got lot of plugins such as insert video, polaraid picture to picasa image plugin. It has photo-publishing, tags, photo album and map-publishing functionality, and is currently compatible with Windows Live Spaces, SharePoint blogs, Blogger, LiveJournal, TypePad, WordPress, Telligent Community,, JournalHome, the MetaWeblog API, the Movable Type API, Blogengine, Squarespace, and all blogs that support RSD (Really Simple Discoverability).
Blog This – Firefox Extension for Windows Live Writer.
The official “Blog This in Windows Live Writer” will add a quickly blogging button to your Firefox browser.
Blog This extension adds a Windows Live Writer icon near the search box of Firefox – you click that pen icon and the current web page will open as it is in Windows Live Writer. You can either blog the whole page or just a selected snippet.
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