Designing Rich Web Applications by Theresa Neil, who is the author for O'Reilly book, Designing Web Interfaces: Principles and Patterns for Rich Interactions. This book gives concepts that are central to enterprise application and web productivity application design. The book can be read and explored online at
It also gives info about:
- Standard Screen Patterns: 12 patterns w/100 examples
- Essential Controls: 30 controls for RIA design and development
- Components for Commonly Requested Features: 15 patterns and examples
1. Make it direct
2. keep it lightweight
3. Stay on the page
4. Provide an invitation
5. Use Transitions
6. React Immediately
Rich Internet Applications (RIA) = richness of desktop apps + familiar features of the web.
RIA is designed at 4 levels.
- Application structure
- Screen Layouts
- UI Controls
- Interactions
- Information pattern - RIA gives info to user
- Process Pattern - RIA do some task
- Creation Pattern - RIA let user create
View more presentations from Theresa Neil
RIA Patterns - Best Practices for Common Patterns of Rich Interaction
Some of the Useful resourcesView more presentations from
- Yahoo! Design Pattern Library
- Designing Interfaces – Jenifer Tidwell
- The Design of Sites Patterns
- Interaction Design Pattern Library –
- blink design library
- User Interface Design Patterns: Introduction
- Designing Social Interfaces
- The UI Pattern Factory
- WebPatterns : News from the WebPatterns organization
- Wikipatterns – Wiki Patterns
- Designing Gestural Interfaces
- Game Interaction Design Pattern Library
- Flickr Collection: Design Patterns – Factory Joe
- UI Pattern Factory
- The Pattern Gallery
- 400 So Far
- Search Patterns
- Interaction Design Patterns — maintained by Tom Erickson
- Smiley Cat’s Elements of Design
- KONIGI’s Latest Interfaces
- Usabilla - collect feedback in any stage of the design process
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