CanvasXpress Javascript Library for HTML 5

CanvasXpress is a javascript library based on the canvas tag implemented in HTML5.The basic idea was to have generic and simple way to display genomics data. CanvasXpress supports bar graphs, line graphs, bar-line combination graphs, boxplots, dotplots, area graphs, stacked graphs, percentage-stacked graphs, heatmaps, heatmaps, 2D-scatter plots, 2D-scatter bubble plots, 3D-scatter plots, pie charts, correlation plots, Venn diagrams, networks (or pathways), candlesticks plots and genome browser. It also supports a few data transformations like log and exponential transformation, z-score, percentile transformation, ratios and transposing. It also support grouping of samples, hierarchical clustering, kmeans, complex layouts, regression lines, normal distribution plots, non linear fitting, zooming, events ... well, there a lot more features but maybe at this time I already capture your attention. Here are some example graphs so you can mouseover, click, select, rotate...
