Manage and download with FlashGot and Free Download Manager

FlashGot is a Firefox extension simplifies downloading, allowing you to download multiple files efficiently. It requires a download manager, and integrates that program's features into right-click menus in Firefox. It is been listed in the "101 Fabulous Freebies" of PC world, the most widely read computer or business magazine. It works for Windows, Mac and Linux and integrates with numerous free download managers. FlashGot Link (contextual menu or Ctrl-F1 or Alt+Click on a link) - downloads through the default download manager the link under the mouse pointer.

FlashGot Selection (menu or Ctrl-F2 or Alt+Click with an active selection) - catches links in hilighted text/images, attempting also pure text to anchors conversion, performing some "smart" replacement like turning "hxxp://" into "http://". Many download forums list links to password-protected archives (usually RAR or ZIP), followed by an indication of the password to open them. If you select the links and the password by dragging the text selection with your mouse, and then you use the FlashGot Selection command, the password will be passed to the download manager inside the description of the links, so you can easily retrieve it when the download is completed with no need to annotate it manually.
FlashGot All (menu or Ctrl-F3) - grabs all the links found in the current page and dispatches them to the default download manager, which could offer an easy interface* to filter and select the file that will be downloaded in a batch. Built-in filter dialog is provided by every Windows/Mac OS X download manager except GetRight and cURL. On Linux, your best open source native option is Downloader 4 X 2.5.4 or above. Alternatively you can try one one of the Windows-only download managers which are supported through Wine by FlashGot version 0.9.9 or above.
FlashGot Tabs (menu or Ctrl-F6) - performs a "FlashGot All" on every tab open in the current window. Notice that this command is hidden by default from the context menu: you can show it using the Menu options.
FlashGot Media (menu or Ctrl-F7) - it's enabled only when a streaming video or audio clip is playing in the current browser tab: this command intercepts downloadable addresses of the content pieces played so far in the page and sends them to the download manager. Tested on Youtube movies, it should work in many other situations as well. Furthermore, when a video or audio content is intercepted and ready for FlashGot media, a status bar icon flashes as a notification: you can either left click it to download all the streams at once, or right click to choose among multiple streams, if more than one have been found.

Supported Download Managers:

For Windows (BitComet, Download Accelerator Plus, DownloadStudio FlashGet, Free Download Manager, Fresh Download, GetRight, GigaGet, HiDownload, iGetter, InstantGet, Internet Download Accelerator, Internet Download Manager, JDownloader, LeechGet, Mass Downloader, Net Transport, NetXfer (Net Transport 2), NetAnts, Orbit, ReGet, Retriever*, Star Downloader, Thunder (Chinese only popular product), TrueDownloader and Ukrainian Download Master [Russian language only] ), Uget, WellGet, wxDFast

For Linux / FreeBSD / other Unix-like OSes (Aria, Axel Download Accelerator, cURL, Downloader 4 X, GNOME Gwget, JDownloader, KDE KGet, Uget, wxDFast ).

Many Windows-only download manager are supported on Linux through Wine!

For Mac OS X (Folx, iGetter, JDownloader Leech, Speed Download and wxDFast*)
* wxDownload Fast for Mac OS X is currently available in source form only

You can also configure the download managers here is the instruction.

Below are the best download managers for the Windows.

Free Download Manager increases your download speed upto 600% and resume broken downloads. Download the videos from video sites such as Youtube, Google video etc. HTTP/FTP/BitTorrent support. In addition, Free Download Manager allows you to: adjust traffic usage; to organize and schedule downloads; download video from video sites; download whole web sites with HTML Spider; operate the program remotely, via the internet, and more!

Orbit Download Manger is top download manager for Windows 7, revolution in download manager for downloading the social music from Pandora, Myspace, IMEEM, Lala, Yahoo and soon. Download Videos from Youtube, Myspace, dailymotion and soon. It is light uses less than 3mb of memory and 3% of CPU and download speed upto 500%. It supports, HTTP, HTTPS, FTP,MMS,RTSP, RTMP rotocals, streaming media, Metalink download and Rapidshare downloads. It supports Firefox, Opera, Maxthon, and IE. Grab++ is a newly integrated utility of Orbit Downloader, which can capture music and video conveniently from most of all the modern web2.0 applications.

FlashGet is a award winning, leading download manager uses Multi sever hyper threading transportation technique, supports various protocols, increase speed up to 6 -10 times. Apart from HTTP/FTP/BitTorrent support it suppoert eMule. Powerful file management feature. Call anti-virus automatically to check the file.
