The Simple Dollar is a personal finance blog offers a single page of core financial advice on spending, earning, and investing, then explains it all a bit better over 49 pages.
The most important thing the PDF "Everything You Need to Know About Personal Finance on Just One Page" tells that SPEND LESS THAN YOU EARN!. The goal is to save as much as you can i.e make the gap between "How much you earn" and "How much you spend" as big as you can.
Also see the Trent's 14 Golden Money Rules
1. Spend Less Than You Earn.
2. Don't Over-Think Your Investments.
3. Stop Wasting Time.
4. Eliminate (and Avoid) High-Interest Debt.
5. Talk About Money (And Be Honest).
6. Stop Trying to Impress Other People.
7. Watch Your Progress (But Make It Fun).
8. Take Care of Your Things.
9. Do It Yourself.
10. Plan Ahead Every Time You Spend.
11. Find and Work Toward Your True Passions.
12. Build Real Friendships and Relationships.
13. Improve Yourself Every Chance You Get.
14. Give Without Strings or Regrets.
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