Flash based animated Tag Cloud for Blogger - Free Javascript

requires Flash Player 9 or better.

Create a Flash based tag cloud for your Blogger, you have to download the free Javascript, swf object and index.htm file from here.

Only modify the index.html file. I uploaded the swfobject.js and tagcloud.swf file to the google sites and inserted the url in to the index.html, so that the access to .js and .swf will be available online as you cannot upload the file in blogger.

Then I manually copy pasted the url of the labels in the cloud tag variables and also used tinyurl if the url as some special charaters. You can change the font color, size and also the size of the tag cloud.

If you don't like this, here is the Blogumus: A flash animated label cloud for blogger.This also uses scripts converted from Roy Tanck's WP Cumulus plugin for Wordpress. It is some what risky as you have to edit the html, so you need to backup the template before attempting. It got advantage of adding the new labels automatically.
